10/11 maart zaden weekend ASEED, zie www.reclaimtheseeds.nl , ook workshops, buitenlandse gasten,
nog 5 bijeenkomsten over alternatieven, door Boerengroep Wageningen, zie http://www.boerengroep.nl/grassroots-science/
7 maart European conference on the CAP and Food Sovereignty, Brussel. (zie site www.eurovia.org)
30 maaart strategie-bijeenkomst Voedsel Anders, 13.00-17.00 uur, Utrecht, kargadoorUtrecht
30 maart: strategie-bijeenkomst om toekomstige plannen te bespreken en elkaar te versterken rond een ander voedsel- en landbouwbeleid. Hierbij worden ook mensen uitgenodigd die op lokaal niveau willen werken aan een verbeterde voedselvoorziening, met oog voor gezond voedsel, klimaat en energie, dierenwelzijn en een leefbaar platteland met gezonde gezinsbedrijven.
Op 30 maart wordt deze bijeenkomst gehouden van 13.00 tot 17.00 uur in de Kargadoor in Utrecht.
S.v.p. aanmelden bij Meike Vierstra (meike@aseed.net) met cc naar guusgeurts@yahoo.com.
Boerengroep Wageningen: good practices, local initiatives, grassroots organisations, farmer groups, and others who succesfully contribute to a better global food system:
Wednesday February 29 20:00h Forum | Political developments in Bolivia: their impact on indigenous people and the environment ‘Ricardo Calla, anthropologist and former Minister of Indigenous Affairs in Bolivia, has a long history of working with indigenous people in the Andes.In Bolivia, indigenous people form a majority of the population and therefore, possess significant political power. However, economic power is in the hands of the oligarchy. Ricardo Calla will give his view on contemporary politics and their impact on indigenous people and on environment in Bolivia.’ |
Monday March 5 19:00 Forum | Shell, seeds and saving the planet: rights and livelihoods in a global economy Nnimmo Bassey’s work as Chair of Friends of the Earth International and Executive Director of Environmental Rights Action in Nigeria has turned him into one of Africa’s leading advocates for the environment and human rights. He will speak about the practices of Royal Dutch Shell and the oil industry in Nigeria, and the impacts on the environment and the livelihoods of peasant communities. Karin Nansen is a founding member of Red de Ecología Social (REDES/Friends of the Earth Uruguay). She will discuss sustainable alternatives to the dominant system of seed management and efforts in Uruguay to strengthen food sovereignty by rescuing local seed varieties and promoting organic locally-grown food for local communities and the domestic market. She will also examine the links between gender justice and food sovereignty. Ricardo Navarro is the founder of the Salvadoran Center for Appropriate Technology (CESTA/Friends of the Earth El Salvador). He will discuss rights, livelihoods and grassroots solutions in the context of climate change, which has been disastrous for the people and ecosystems of El Salvador. |
Thursday April 5 19:30h Forum | Family farming as a starting ground for rural development Sergio Schneider, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) |
Monday May 14 19:30h Forum | Building on farmers’ knowledge |
Monday June 11 19:30h Forum | Rural Sovereignty |