An international conference organised by our ministry of Economics, Agriculture and Innovation, together with the World Bank, FAO, Norway and Etihopia, is discussing these topics this week. A number of organisations are not at all happy about it; a letter of protest with as key elements: No farmers and CSOs were involved in the planning – who gave these organisers their mandate? / There is no transparency, it was made very difficult to join the conference / ecology should come first, not industrial agriculture / the priority is ’technological fixes’, and carbon markets instead of PUBLIC financing of adaptation to climate change / earlier findings by IAASTD have been shelved.
Platform ABC organised a side event about ‘BOTTOM-UP’ projects, on Wednesday 3 November from 1-3
Speakers were : Joop de Koeijer (farmer, member of NAV and Via Campesina) / Janice Jiggins, researcher at Wageningen (Communications and Inoovation Studies), and involved in the IAASTD project, and / Koos Michel, Oxfam/Novib.
This handout provides info about their talks and the resources they find useful.
This message was submitted for the ‘Chairman’s Summary’ after the debate that followed.
Lunch provided: As an illustration of Joop’s wish that oilseed crops such as lupins should be re-introduced, buns with fillings made of lupins and soy were provided from ’the vegetarian butcher’ ( An environment-friendly su bsitute for meat. See this info on lupins for more info.
For info that was provided on the efforts to reform the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) see ‘Leeshoek (= library) on GLB (= CAP), entry for 3 november